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Great news: Panasonic officially registered TWO new camera models to be announced soon!

On December 17 Panasonic registered a new camera model in China. It has the code “P2305A”. Back on November 22 Panasonic also did register the “P2307A” camera. This means we now have TWO cameras that Panasonic will release within 3-4 months.

To be clear, those codes are NOT for the new G97 and TZ compact camera as they only support 2.4MHz. The registered model do support 5.1MHz too!

My bet is that we are getting both, the SR1II and S1HII. That would be nice don’t you think?

SHARE RUMORS: If you have any rumors about those camera feel free to share them anonymously using this contact box (try to use a nickname to be recognized in future) or via

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