Panasonic interview at Lesnumeriques: The L-mount alliance was formed in early 2018 and Olympus had not the same vision

The french blog Lesnumeriques interviewed Panasonic manager Yosuke Yamane:

  • Eight years ago Panasonic had the idea to go Full Frame but at the time there were technical and commercial challenges
  • Two years ago they started to look for an alliance around a Full Frame platform. At the beginning of 2018 they approached Leica and Sigma.
  • Why is Olympus not on board with this? Yosuke said “we do not really have the same vision. Our directions are different now, on this format
  • The new AI autofocus system works on the question of “where to focus”. For example we use deep learning to track flying birds or human eyes
  • Panasonic has abandoned the smart phone project and there will be no follow-up of the CM1 (here on Amazon).
  • Panasonic does not think the smart phone market is a threat for MFT

I believe Olympus should have been on board with this!

You can join the new L Full Frame Facebook group if you plan to buy this camera. There you can discuss all features and tests once it’s released!

To readers: While I am working to get some early specs I kindly invite you to stay tuned on L-rumors by subscribing here:
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Panasonic S1 and S1R first look by Kinotika

The S1R three way tilting screen (Image by Optyczne).

Here is the first look video by Kinotika:

You can join the new L Full Frame Facebook group if you plan to buy this camera. There you can discuss all features and tests once it’s released!

To readers: While I am working to get some early specs I kindly invite you to stay tuned on L-rumors by subscribing here:
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First Panasonic S1R vs Sony A7 size comparison

Our friends over at Optyczne just shared these very first real world size comparison images between the new Panasonic S1R and the Sony A7III. The Panasonic is clearly bigger. At the same time the Panasonic looks much more solid too.

You can join the new L Full Frame Facebook group if you plan to buy this camera. There you can discuss all features and tests once it’s released!

To readers: While I am working to get some early specs I kindly invite you to stay tuned on L-rumors by subscribing here:
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